* Dress Code: Business Casual for forum and Business Suit for Dinners.
Time & Location | Event |
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM | "Global Alumni Networking - How, When, and Where it can help you with your career or business endeavors" |
Namsan V | SpeakerMatthew Greene WG'89CEO, Kota Global Securities, New York |
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | Plenary Session and Keynote Speaker |
Grand Ballroom 1 & 2 | Keynote SpeechChoongsoo Kim GR'79Governor, The Bank of Korea |
Yun Yong-ro Chairman and CEO, Industrial Bank of Korea, Seoul | |
10:30 AM - 11:00 AMBallroom Foyer | Coffee Break |
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Concurrent Panel Discussions |
Regency Room | Panel #5:New Healthcare in an Aging Society |
Moderator:Philip M. NicholsAssociate Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics | |
Panelists:Professor Kee Taig Jung GR'92Professor, College of Business, Kyung Hee University, Seoul | |
Hongjin Kim Director of u-Health Division, Insung Information Co., Ltd. | |
Professor Myoungho Lee Professor, Yonsei University; President of Korea e-Health Association, Seoul | |
Kee Young Park Director General, Division of New Growth Engine, Presidential Council for Future and Vision, Seoul | |
Professor Kyung Sun Professor, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Korea University; Director, Korea Artificial Organ Center,Seoul | |
Grand Ballroom 3 | Panel #6:New Economic Leadership of Asia |
Moderator:Diana C. RobertsonJoseph Kolodny Professor of Social Responsibility in Business; Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics | |
Panelists:Dr. Tae-Sik AhnDean, College and Graduate School of Business, Seoul National University, Seoul | |
Junichi Endo, WG'93 Senior Vice President, Global Marketing and Sales, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Tokyo | |
Charles Tseng WG'79 President, Asia Pacific, Korn/Ferry International, Shanghai | |
Young-Gak (Ken) Yun C'77 CEO, Samjong KPMG, Korea | |
1:00 PM - 2:30 PMGrand Ballroom 1 & 2 | Lunch |
Keynote SpeechYong NamVice Chairman & CEO, LG Electronics, Seoul | |
2:30 PM - 3:00 PMBallroom Foyer | Coffee Break |
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM | Master Classes Taught By Wharton Faculty |
Namsan 5 | Master Class #1Private Wealth Management: A Post Financial Crisis PerspectiveRaffi AmitRobert B. Goergen Professor of Entrepreneurship; Professor of Management; Academic Director, Goergen Entrepreneurial Management Programs; Academic Director, Wharton Global Family Alliance |
Namsan 1 | Master Class #2The Wharton Interactive Media Initiative: Overview and Research InsightsEric Bradlow, W'88 HOM'00K.P. Chao Professor; Professor of Marketing, Statistics, and Education; Co-Director, Wharton Interactive Media Initiative; Vice Dean, Wharton Doctoral Programs |
Peter Fader Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor; Professor of Marketing; Co-Director, Wharton Interactive Media Initiative | |
Namsan 2 | Master Class #3Is Africa Good for Asia?Philip M. NicholsAssociate Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics |
Namsan 6 | Master Class #4International Corporate Social ResponsibilityDiana C. RobertsonJoseph Kolodny Professor of Social Responsibility in Business; Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics |
Namsan 3 | Master Class #5:Too Big To Fail & Too Complex to Operate Prudently: What are the Policy Options?Richard HerringJacob Safra Professor of International Banking; Professor of Finance; Co-Director, Wharton Financial Institutions Center |
6:30 PM - 7:30 PMBallroom Foyer | Gala Cocktails |
7:30 PM - 10:30 PMGrand Ballroom 1 & 2 | Gala Farewell Banquet |
Keynote SpeechYoon-Dae EuhChairman, Presidential Council on Nation Branding, Seoul | |
Raffle Drawing and Awarding of Prizes | |
Announcement of the date and location of the next Forum | |
Entertainment |
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