Kwan-Young Kim G'86, GR'87
President and CEO

Wharton Speaker >> Biography

Kwan-Young Kim is the President and CEO of JR Asset Management Company, which is a Reit AMC. JR AMC was established in 2008 right after financial crisis. JR AMC has 300 million US dollar asset under management. Prior to this position, Mr. Kim was a Professor of Business and Economics at Hanyang University for over 14 years. His research topic was real estate. He published various research papers on major Korean academic journals. He conducted various consulting jobs for government and real estate industry. He served as member of various Government committees such as National Real Estate Appraisal Board. He is one of top ranked real estate experts in Korea. Mr. Kwan-Young Kim received a Ph.D in finance from the Wharton School in 1987.